“Hello my friend, we are back in the north of Gaza, in Jabalya, and this shows the extent of the destruction here. There is nothing, not even the most basic necessities of life.”
This is how Anas, the protagonist of his/my first reportage, begins, upon returning from what remains of his home, his childhood, his existence. I have prepared this second reportage, with the aim of spreading as much as possible the practical reality of those who live in Gaza, through the sensations and emotions of those who live them.
Recently in fact, the American government, after having contributed to Israel’s military spending and to the illegal – legalized – destruction of Gaza, together with the Genocide of 100,000 people and the complicity of European governments and multinationals such as ENI, after having destroyed, now aims to re-build a new coast of Gaza, the ‘American’ one, renamed by Trump himself “Middle East Coast”.
Colonialism and legalized MASS MURDER.
This is how the conversation between me and Anas begins:
Simone: “Tell me about your concerns, your observations, both on the physical territory, the feelings of your friends and family, what you expect from the future and what are your thoughts.
Anas, he answers as I feared:
Anas: “The fears now are not to allow Gaza to be rebuilt. Now we are victims of the war. We have lost our home, our family shell, where there were all our most beautiful memories, built by us. The house was not only stones and walls, even more in every corner is a beautiful memory, but in every stone there are dreams for us in this house. Our situation is like that of all the people here in Gaza, but our region, Jabalya, is the most devastated by the war. The occupation destroyed everything, not even the trees remained. Next to our house there was a field that my grandfather had planted, all of them, olive trees and lemon trees. Our entire family group in this field, and a barbecue. We used to enjoy it among the beauty of nature and the trees, but the occupation destroyed the house and uprooted all the trees. Nothing remained.”
Exactly, being a Palestinian, a human being, after having been dispossessed of everything by (Western) military force, now means returning to the rubble of one’s home and dealing with the fear that those ruins will remain as such. And unfortunately, speaking with Anas, I realize that not even the Palestinians, from within, have clearly understood the Nazi intent of the Western regimes.
Indeed, for them, this intent seems to have become NORMALIZED. Being bombed, fleeing, is now part of the Palestinians’ routine, even though they are fleeing their own land.
It was all planned before October 7, and since 1948, when the illegal state of Israel was established in the Palestinian region. The gradual destruction, the deprivation of basic freedoms – such as checkpoints, water rations, the destruction of the Gaza airport – making the Palestinians increasingly isolated, dependent, closed in a legalized Lager authorized by 80% of the international community.
The goal is, and always has been, the expropriation of natural resources. In fact, since 2000, Israel has set its sights on Palestinian gas fields. Millions and millions of cubic meters of gas are hidden under the coasts of Gaza.
Continuing with Anas:
Simone: “What do you need most? Where do you live now? What do you do during the day?
Anas: “The thoughts, whether from my family or friends, are the following: We are human beings like all people. Why all this injustice? Is it because we are only Palestinians? We need at least the basic necessities of life now after the ceasefire, such as electricity, clean water, as well as houses (bringing in equipment to remove rubble, as well as entering mobile homes), but this has not been done yet. We would also like the flow of humanitarian aid and support for the destroyed hospitals, the provision of medical care and the introduction of fresh food, the canned food that we have been eating for 16 months is very harmful and has affected our health. Orphans (like my cousins who lost their parents during the war) and provide them with psychological care because they were pulled out from under the rubble.”
Anas continues:
“Also, specialized international teams should remove the explosive materials that have not exploded yet and are still on the streets and everywhere. We are very worried just about charging our phones and also finding the Internet, so that we can communicate with the outside world and also follow our education electronically, because all the universities and schools have been destroyed by the occupation. My family and my biggest dream now is the house in Yawena, and we create our memories again, as well as continuing my education, even if I become an engineer, despite all the circumstances that I have experienced.”
Simone: “Tell me your impressions of Trump’s plan for the “Middle East Coast”.
Anas: “I think Trump is crazy because he wants to give away lands that he does not own, invest in them and expel people, who have already suffered and lost everything and refused to leave their land, but rather cling to it despite the destruction of their homes, but live. In tents that do not protect from the cold of winter, nor from the heat of summer, despite the conspiracy of the unjust world against us.”
To support Anas: GoFund link here

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